November – MLA Michael Connolly’s Report

Calgary Hawkwood

This fall has been a busy one for our office. I joined Community and Social Services Minister Irfan Sabir to announce the LGBTQ2S+ Youth Housing and Shelter Guidelines. These guidelines will assist out homeless shelters in helping homeless LGBTQ2S+ youth who account for approximately 40% of the homeless youth population in our city.

I was also proud to stand alongside Advance Education Minister Marlin Schmidt at Bow Valley College as we announced funding for mental health supports for all Calgary post-secondaries. In Alberta, 64% of post-secondary students felt overwhelming anxiety, 57.5% reported feeling hopeless, more than 42% felt so depressed it was difficult to function, and 13.1% seriously considered suicide. This funding will help to provide the necessary supports our students require to succeed.

November is also a special month because it is the month that we put aside a day to Remember and give thanks for the sacrifices made by Canada’s brave men and women who have served honourably to protect and preserve the rights and freedoms we as Canadians have today.

There will be many services held around Calgary on November 11th and many the week before. I encourage everyone to take time out of their busy lives to pay their respects to our brave men and women in the Canadian forces past and present who serve and have served with distinction and honor.

To the veterans and service men and women in Calgary-Hawkwood and across our nation, I would like to personally thank you for your dedication, commitment and sacrifices to this country of ours.

Lest we Forget.