A Time for Us to Reflect and Be Grateful

Calgary Mackay Nose Hill

Remembrance Day is a time for us to reflect and be grateful for the sacrifices of The Greatest Generation.

Canada entered into World War II early in the conflict, with Canadian troops being deployed from Halifax shortly after war was declared in 1939—10% of our country’s population joined the armed forces. The sacrifices our country and our citizens made were many. It is always a privilege to participate in Remembrance Day ceremonies as your MLA, to honour the memory of those who served in the effort to keep our freedom.

There is a lot happening in Calgary Mackay Nose Hill and the Legislature is back in session. I’m looking forward to seeing Bill 209, An Act to Put Albertans Back to Work debated in the Legislature and the process of consultation has been enlightening. I’ve been very moved by the stories of people who’ve been looking for work for years, I’ve been filled with hope for the future by visionary people in our post-secondary system and I’ve been heartened by everyone’s commitment to not leaving anyone behind. You can tune in on Monday afternoons when we debate Private Member business to watch the progress: http://assemblyonline.assembly.ab.ca/harmony/

I’d like to welcome my new constituency assistant Carol-lynn Darch to our office—please drop in and say hi to her.

I’ll be in the constituency office during the week of November 12th and I look forward to seeing you there or out in the community. If you have an event you’d like me to attend or help out at, please contact my office.

The office is open 9am – 4:30pm on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Friday (closed 12:00pm -1:00pm) and open until 7 p.m. on Thursdays. E-mail: [email protected], telephone: 403-215-7710, or snail mail: #106, 8220 Centre Street NE.