Election Is in the Air

Calgary Mountain View

Dear Constituents,

Have you noticed? Election is in the air… Time to pay attention to both the people we respect and want to have represent us. Encourage them to meet the parties and be involved as a candidate or volunteer. Democracy is fragile and can easily be lost, as is evident in the US and elsewhere… So, as you prepare your homes and hearts for these wonderful days of festivity for a  peace filled season, please also take a moment to become more informed about your provincial representatives and the job you would have them do on your behalf.

Pesticides have helped food production but are now a threat (especially those used widely for harmless weeds), getting into air, water and food and affecting us in ways not obvious but increasingly suspect in children’s mental and physical symptoms, hormonal impacts and chronic neurological disease. 1600 pesticides have been approved for use in Canada and their use in Canada has increased 40% in the past 7 years. We have no idea what the long-term effects of all these mixtures are and I’ve presented evidence with groups including Canadian Association of Physicians for the Environment that our Environment Ministry is neglecting to enforce basic standards of pesticide notifications and practices. I have called for a provincial review of our pesticide practices.

Seclusion rooms for children with difficult behavior was highlighted due to the lack of parental consent, open discussion of behavior management and lack of transparency, often resulting in harm and learning barriers. The Education Minister could solve this trauma by bringing in basic standards in classrooms used around the world.

Please do not hesitate to call my office to make an appointment to see me, to answer your questions and provide resources regarding advocates, petitions, AISH, AB Works, MEP, WCB, seniors’ supports and housing, health advocacy, mental health and addiction supports, and any other question regarding current provincial programs or services. By appointment, I can certify and notarize documents as Commissioner of Oaths.