January – MLA Jamie Kleinsteuber’s Report

Calgary Northern Hills

Happy new year to everyone in Calgary Northern Hills! I wish you a happy, healthy, prosperous year ahead.

As the year begins, many people think about new year’s resolutions, resolving to do better in the year ahead. If your new year’s goals are to save money or to do more for the environment, read on!

Did you know that Energy Efficiency Alberta’s Residential Retail Products Program features online rebates? You could save up to $100 when purchasing an energy efficient refrigerator, clothes washer or smart thermostat. Just buy an appliance from the approved model list (see https://www.efficiencyalberta.ca to make sure you’ve got the right one), take a photo of your receipt, fill out the application form, and wait six to eight weeks for your rebate.

Our government’s $8.5-million investment in the Residential Retail Products Program is expected to save nearly 250,000 gigajoules of energy, enough to meet the needs of 1,675 homes for one year—the equivalent of removing 41,000 personal vehicles from the road for one year. Over the life of these energy-efficient products, the government’s investment in the Residential Retail Products Program is expected to deliver $45.4 million in cost savings to participating households—savings on utility bills to be spent on other priorities. Albertans can save money—and the environment—by making energy efficiency a part of their life. Thousands of Albertans have already done so—and you can too!

This year, Chinese New Year and Alberta’s Family Day fall the same weekend, making it a great time to spend time with friends and family. I hope to see you on Monday, February 19, 2018, for “Family Skate Day” at Vivo. Watch for more details as the day draws near or email the office at [email protected] to have more information sent your way.