National Indigenous Peoples Day

Calgary Shaw

As we welcome the summer season, this month I look forward to celebrating National Indigenous Peoples Day on Thursday, June 21st.

Our government through the Ministry of Indigenous Relations works with Indigenous communities, the federal government, industry and other stakeholders to promote social and economic opportunities to enhance the quality of life and develop a meaningful and ongoing relationship with a commitment to the Indigenous people of Alberta.

A big part of that relationship comes from understanding Indigenous history, and from learning about the diverse cultures of our Indigenous peoples. To that end the government has committed to ensuring that all Alberta students will learn about the history of First Nations, Metis and Inuit people of Canada, including the history and legacy of residential schools.

I am also proud of our government’s commitment to spend $100 million to make drinking water clean and safe on First Nations in Alberta. As the youngest and fastest growing segment of our population, Indigenous people are helping Alberta move forward. Let us all take this day to acknowledge the heritage, contributions and cultures of First Nation, Inuit and Métis communities across Alberta and Canada.

On June 16th neighborhoods across Calgary will be celebrating Neighbor Day. If you are hosting an event and would like me to attend, please let my office know. We are able to donate some small items like pop or chips. Lastly, I would like to invite everyone to my 3rd annual Stampede BBQ on June 30th, 2018. This year we will be partnering with the Somerset Bridlewood Community Association to have an even bigger and better event. It is going to be at Somerset Water Park from 11-2. The event is free but the community association welcomes donations. As always if you have concerns or questions please contact my office at 403-256-8969 or [email protected] or through social media.