Winter Changes, Holiday Wishes, and Local Events

Calgary Lougheed Jason Kenny

December is a time for family.

As the fallen leaves of autumn give way to the drifts of snow that softly cover our streets, families across our city will hunker down for long, cold winter nights that Calgarians are accustomed to. But the darkness that comes with our early nights gives way to the striking beauty of colourful lights that dot the houses of rooftops, trees and fences. Even more spectacular are the dazzling displays at Calgary’s Zoo Lights and Spruce Meadows. Indeed, the long dark nights of December give way to some of the most festive and beautiful scenes of the year.

As Christians across the world gather to celebrate Christmas and mark the birth of Jesus Christ, Calgarians embark on the myriad of traditions that have emerged as family, friends and loved ones take time to spend together. There’s eggnog and cider, cakes, cookies and confectionaries and all sorts of goodies that will soon be shared at churches, homes and other festive parties that fill our calendars during the Christmas season.

There is something special about this year, however. The eight days of Hanukkah will be celebrated in the last week of December. So, as Christians mark the birth of their savior, Jewish Calgarians will join their friends and family around the world marking the Jewish Festival of Light.

These simultaneous celebrations are a symbol of the diversity that enriches our province and makes Alberta the place it is today. We are fortunate to call such a wonderful place our home. Even as we enter a season of long, dark nights, we will light our world with joy. From the bright flames of the menorah to the sparkle of Christmas lights—we will brighten the dark skies until our days grow longer again.

So, as you gather with your family and friends, I want to take this time to wish you the very best.

Merry Christmas, and Happy Hanukkah!