April 2024 MP Report – Calgary Rocky Ridge – Pat Kelly

Calgary Rocky Ridge  e

It is tax season, and I hope you have received my annual “Tax Tips” for 2023 which contains information about tax changes. It is not a comprehensive list of tax-saving measures, nor is it tax advice, so for more information about specific deductions, please visit the Canada Revenue Agency website or seek professional advice. The deadline for individuals to submit their tax returns is April 30, 2024.

On April 1, the government will raise taxes on beer, wine, and spirits. This will happen without a vote in Parliament – for the eighth year in a row. I have tabled Private Members Bill C-266 to restore Parliament’s power to set the tax and give elected officials the final say on taxes instead of letting the government raise them automatically.

I am a member of the Standing Committee on National Defence, and regularly question Canada’s Senior Military Officers, bureaucrats, industry experts, academics, and the Minister of Defence. The Committee heard that a cyberattack in September shut down the Canadian Armed Forces’ (CAF) re-location system for weeks. It is still unknown if CAF personal information was compromised during the attack. We also received testimony that rising rent and access to housing is driving people out of the CAF. In 2015 this Liberal government promised to be, “the most open and transparent Government in Canadian history” but after eight years the Minister of Defence admitted that his department fails to respond to 40% of Access to Information requests it receives within 30 days as required by law. Some requests are ignored for years.

Feedback from Calgarians is very important to me and informs the work I do on your behalf in Ottawa. If you would like to share your thoughts with me on national issues, please feel welcome to contact me through my Calgary office.

It remains my honour to represent you at the House of Commons as your Member of Parliament.

MP – Calgary Rocky Ridge Pat Kelly proudly serves the following Communities: Arbour Lake, Citadel, Evanston, Hawkwood, Kincora, Nolan Hill, Ranchlands, Rocky Ridge, Royal Oak, Royal Vista, Sage Hill, Scenic Acres, Sherwood, Silver Springs, Symons Valley, Tuscany


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