Forest Heights

Forest Heights

Forest Heights News

Forest Heights Community Classifieds Calgary

Forest Heights Business Classifieds

CALGARY MORTGAGE BROKER SERVICING FOREST HEIGHTS Unlock great mortgage rates with the leading Forest Heights mortgage broker. As your Forest Heights mortgage broker, we...

Forest Heights Real Estate Statistics Update

Forest Heights Real Estate Statistics Update In February 2025, the south east Calgary...

Forest Heights Crime Statistics Update

Forest Heights Crime Activity was Up in November 2024 Forest Heights Calgary experienced 14 crimes in November 2024, in comparison to 5 crimes the previous...

Property Assessment Notices Are Out!

The 2025 Property Assessment notices are out. When you receive your notice, check the property details and review your property value. Your property assessment...

Call for Volunteers: Help Plan Calgary’s Future for Older Adults!

If you have first-hand insight on living as an older adult or as a caregiver to an older adult, your experience and ideas are...

Be Water-Wise and Create a Yardsmart Yard

As Calgary continues to experience drought conditions, we can all do our part in our yards by using water wisely. The City has a...

Property Tax is Due Friday, June 28, Pay or Join TIPP...

Your property tax must be paid by Friday, June 28 to avoid late payment penalties. The City’s Tax Instalment Payment Plan (TIPP) is the...

Celebrate Neighbour Day 2024

Celebrate Neighbour Day in your community on Saturday, June 15! Get involved in this year’s event by gathering with your neighbours for a block...

Use Your Water Meter to Check Your Home for Leaks

Together, we can make every drop count during this drought. Using your water meter to check for leaks, inside and outside the home, is...

Forest heights real estate

Profiled above are the last twelve month real estate statistics for the Forest Heights community in Calgary; including number of properties listed, number of properties sold, median asking prices, and median sold prices. To view current Forest Heights Real Estate listings for sale, click here.

Forest Heights: A Multicultural Community

Established in 1959, Forest Heights holds the distinction of being among Calgary’s oldest neighbourhoods. Steeped in history and diversity, this community offers breathtaking views of Calgary and the Rocky Mountains. Boasting direct access to downtown, it’s an ideal location for city commuters. Forest Heights also provides excellent access to pathways and regional parks, enhancing the outdoor experience.

Living in Forest Heights

4909 Forego Ave. SE
Calgary, Alberta
T2A 2C4

The vibrant International Avenue marks the community’s southern border, while it is bordered to the north by Memorial Drive. Families have a range of school options, including Forest Lawn Senior High, Patrick Airlie Elementary, Keeler Elementary, Holy Trinity Elementary, Holy Redeemer, and Father Lacombe. Bright Path Forest Heights stands as a reliable daycare choice for parents seeking quality care for their young ones.

At the Forest Heights-Hubalta Community Association, a rich multicultural ethos thrives through various events uniting the community. The hall, equipped with wheelchair access and a commercial kitchen, serves as a hub for communal gatherings. Residents can enjoy outdoor barbecues, sports fields, a games room, and a skating rink.

Celebrating Diversity in Forest Heights' Population

The 2021 City of Calgary Census recorded that Forest Heights accommodates a population of 5 985 in private households, with 69% falling within the 15 to 64 age range, with a median total household income of $79,000 before tax.

Forest Heights offers diverse housing options, with 66% owner households and 34% renters.

Celebrating diversity, Forest Heights houses 41% of its population in private households as immigrants, primarily from Asia. This diversity reflects in language, with 34% speaking a non-official language as their mother tongue, including Vietnamese, Tagalog, Yue (Cantonese), Spanish, and Arabic.

Visit the City of Calgary community profiles site for more information about Forest Heights.

Forest Heights Community Map

Google Map of Forest_Lawn_Forest_Heights, Calgary, AB