Forest Lawn
Forest Lawn News
Forest Lawn Business Classifieds
Forest Lawn Real Estate Statistics Update
Forest Lawn Crime Statistics Update
Property Assessment Notices Are Out!
Call for Volunteers: Help Plan Calgary’s Future for Older Adults!
Be Water-Wise and Create a Yardsmart Yard
Property Tax is Due Friday, June 28, Pay or Join TIPP...
Celebrate Neighbour Day 2024
Use Your Water Meter to Check Your Home for Leaks
Forest Lawn Real Estate
Profiled above are the last twelve month real estate statistics for the Forest Lawn community in Calgary; including number of properties listed, number of properties sold, median asking prices, and median sold prices. To view current Forest Lawn Real Estate listings for sale, click here.
Delve into the Iconic Neighbourhood of Forest Lawn
4020-26 Ave. SE
Calgary, Alberta
T2B 0C9,
[email protected]
Forest Lawn stands proudly as one of Calgary’s oldest communities. With a rich history, this community is located in the southeast quadrant of Calgary, approximately 6 km east of downtown Calgary. This historic community enjoys proximity to the Bow River, the Western Irrigation District Canal, Elliston Park, and major roadways like Deerfoot Trail and Stoney Trail
Established in the early 1900s by homesteaders, the hamlet evolved into the vibrant community of Forest Lawn. In 1934, it was amalgamated into the villages of Albert Park and Forest Lawn, later forming the Village of Forest Lawn in 1935. Supporting its residents, the Forest Lawn Community Association was founded in 1952, with the community hall constructed around 1960, serving as a space for private events and communal gatherings.
Over the years, Forest Lawn’s population grew attracting both residents, and businesses. In December 1961, the town was annexed into the City of Calgary, further enhancing its development.
For schooling options, Forest Lawn offers institutions such as Forest Lawn Senior High School, Holy Trinity Elementary School, and Patrick Airlie Elementary School. Additionally, daycares like the Immigrant Education Society, Jump and Lead Childcare, and Smart Kids Daycare cater to working parents with young children.
Inclusivity and Diversity in Forest Lawn
The 2021 City of Calgary Census records Forest Lawn as home to 7,230 residents in private households, with 69% falling within the 15 to 64 age range, holding a median total household income of $58,000 before tax.
Forest Lawn offers diverse housing options, with 32% owner households and 68% renters. Renting property prevails in this community.
Celebrating diversity, Forest Lawn houses 31% immigrants in private households, primarily from Asia, with 27% speaking a non-official language as their mother tongue, including Vietnamese, Tagalog, Spanish, Arabic, and Amharic.
Additionally, Forest Lawn proudly acknowledges its Indigenous community, with 750 residents identifying as Indigenous, including First Nations, Métis, and a few from the Inuk tribe.