Oakridge News
Oakridge Business Classifieds
Oakridge Real Estate Statistics Update
The March 2025 Oakridge Echo Community Newsletter Magazine
Reaching Out to Oakridge Neighbours – March Update
Oakridge’s Drive-Thru Bottle Drive
Step Back in Time in Oarkridge: The Most Popular Things from...
Oakridge’s 2025 Oakfest
Oakridge Crime Statistics Update
Reaching Out to Oakridge Neighbours
Oakridge Real Estate
Profiled above are the last twelve month real estate statistics for the Oakridge community in Calgary; including number of properties listed, number of properties sold, median asking prices, and median sold prices. To view current Oakridge Real Estate listings for sale, click here.
Oakridge Community Newsletter
Oakridge residents are actively engaged in their community and keeping them informed is our top-priority. Your Oakridge Echo is the official community newsletter, and covers community news and is published monthly to keep content current and relevant. Delivered to every household, apartment, and business, every resident is acquainted with the community’s most important information.
Oakridge Community Association
9504 Oakridge Dr. SW
Calgary, Alberta
T2V 0L1,
[email protected]
The Oakridge Community Association is a not-for-profit organization. Revenues go directly back to the Association, and, in turn, provide a venue for programs and events. The Oakridge Community Association is headed by a volunteer board of directors, full-time and part-time staff and many event and program volunteers. Governance is provided by the Board, and day-to-day operations and facility administration, by the general manager. To operate, the Oakridge Community Association relies on revenues from facility rentals and membership fees. A variety of grants provide capital for facility maintenance and improvement.
The Board of Directors meet monthly with the exception of July and August, and in September, for the Annual General Meeting. All meetings are open to the public. In accordance with the Oakridge Community Association bylaws, to participate in meeting discussion, individuals must have current community membership or be invited to do so by the Association president.
Oakridge Community Demographics
In the City of Calgary’s 2012 municipal census, Oakridge had a population of 5,651 living in 2,291 dwellings, a -1.2% increase from its 2011 population of 5,719. With a land area of 2.4 km2 (0.93 sq mi), it had a population density of 2,350/km2 (6,100/sq mi) in 2012.
Residents in this community had a median household income of $72,674 in 2000, and there were 6.9% low income residents living in the neighborhood. As of 2000, 21.3% of the residents were immigrants. A proportion of 1.8% of the buildings were condominiums or apartments, and 8.4% of the housing was used for renting. For more detailed info visit the City of Calgary community profiles site.