South Calgary Real Estate
Profiled above are the last twelve month real estate statistics for the South Calgary community in Calgary; including number of properties listed, number of properties sold, median asking prices, and median sold prices. To view current
South Calgary Real Estate listings for sale, click here.
The Marda Loop Communities Association serves the residents of South Calgary, Altadore, Garrison Woods, and River Park neighborhoods. With an ever increasing population, we represent one of the largest groups of communities in Calgary, and one of the fastest growing communities in Canada with a rich mix of cultural diversity, parks and green space, recreation facilities, and of course our one-of-a-kind shopping district, Marda Loop.
The Association is a not-for-profit body that has proudly served the residents of our community for over forty years and is run by a group of dedicated volunteers. The scope of our work revolves around many issues in our community including development, transportation, parks and green space, plus recreational and educational programs for all ages. Our organization serves as a conduit to City Hall as the voice for our residents.