Springbank Hill
Springbank Hill News
Springbank Hill Real Estate Statistics Update
Springbank Hill Business Classifieds
The March 2025 Springbank Hill Community Newsletter Magazine
Springbank Hill’s Chinese New Year Event Recap
Why Be a Springbank Hill Community Association Member?
Join the SBHCA Membership Committee
Springbank Hill’s President’s Message for March
March 2025 MLA Report – Calgary West – Mike Ellis
Springbank Hill Crime Statistics Update
Springbank Hill Real Estate
Profiled above are the last twelve month real estate statistics for the Springbank Hill community in Calgary; including number of properties listed, number of properties sold, median asking prices, and median sold prices. To view current Springbank Hill Real Estate listings for sale, click here.
Your Springbank Hill Community Newsletter
Our top-priority is keeping Springbank Hill residents informed. All the community’s must-know news is easily accessible through the Springbank Hill community newsletter, which is published monthly so that residents are kept current on relevant community and Calgary news. Your Springbank Hill is delivered monthly to every household, apartment, and business, and is a great way to get hyper local advertising exposure.
Springbank Hill Community Association
7541-26 Ave SW
Calgary, Alberta
T3H 3X2,
[email protected]
The Springbank Hill Community Association is governed by an elected volunteer Board of Directors, who oversee the direction of and run the organization, which includes everything from responding to traffic concerns, planning community events, responding to development requests and concerns, managing community ice rinks and adding to community recreational amenities.
Springbank Hill Community Demographics
In the City of Calgary’s 2012 municipal census, Springbank Hill had a population of 8,783 living in 3,166 dwellings, a 4.7% increase from its 2011 population of 8,388. With a land area of 6.3 km2 (2.4 sq mi), it had a population density of 1,394/km2 (3,611/sq mi) in 2012.
According to 2006 Census of Canada, residents in this community had a median household income of $116,470 in 2005, and there were 6.7% low income residents living in the neighborhood. A portion of 42.6% of population aged 15 and over were university educated.
In 2006, 87.2% of the buildings were single detached housing, 6.0% were semi-detached, and 6.5% were row houses and apartments. 3.4% of the housing was used for renting. For more detailed info visit the City of Calgary community profiles site.