Arbour Lake Fish Species


Each year, we stock Arbour Lake with hardy Rainbow Trout, Brook Trout, and Brown Trout. We also recently introduced eye-catching Tiger Trout. Our fish thrive through the winter, making ice fishing a popular activity. Thanks to our community’s dedication to preserving the lake environment and adhering to fishing regulations, we maintain a robust and healthy fish ecosystem. Here are some interesting facts about the fish species found in our lake!

Rainbow Trout (Catch and Release) 

Rainbow Trout are native to North America and are prized by anglers for their fighting spirit. Rainbow Trout have small black spots along their back, dorsal fin, and caudal fin. The colour of a rainbow’s back varies from blue or green to a yellow-green or brown. 

Brown Trout (Catch and Release) 

Brown Trout are native to Europe. They are known for their clever and evasive behaviour, making them a more challenging catch. They have a distinctive golden-brown colour with dark spots and pale hallows. Sometimes there are red or yellow spots along their sides. The fins are yellowish-brown. 

Brook Trout (Catch and Release)

Brook Trout are native to eastern North America. Anglers often find them to be elusive, as they are known for their skittish behaviour adding an extra challenge to the catch. They have a beautiful marbled pattern on their back and sides, with distinctive red spots surrounded by blue halos. Their fins are typically edged in white, adding to their striking appearance. 

Tiger Trout (Catch and Release) 

Tiger Trout is a hybrid fish from brown and brook trout crossbreeding. They make for an exciting and challenging catch, exhibiting characteristics of both parent species, such as brook trout’s distinctive marking and brown trout’s aggressive feeding behaviour. A Tiger Trout is brownish on the back, lightening on the sides and belly to a golden yellow with a brown or orange wash. The back and sides have large dark stripe-like or worm-like markings. 

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