Arbour Lake’s Events Recap for December


Halloween Bingo

Halloween Bingo Night was an incredible success! We loved to see everyone getting into the spooky spirit for our family bingo night. Congratulations to all our costume contest and game winners!

Fish Stocking

This fall, we introduced around 500 stunning rainbow and tiger trout into Arbour Lake, ensuring a thriving, dynamic fishing season. Both species bring excitement to our waters, each with unique qualities that make them fun and challenging catches. Here are some fun facts about our new residents:

Tiger Trout

Tiger trout are a hybrid species, resulting from the crossbreeding of brown and brook trout. Known for their bold behaviour, tiger trout combine the best traits of their parent species, such as the striking markings of brook trout and the aggressive feeding habits of brown trout. Their colouring includes a brownish back that lightens to a golden yellow on the sides and belly, with dark, worm-like markings.

Rainbow Trout

Rainbow trout, native to North America, are famous among anglers for their fighting spirit and adaptability. These fish have small black spots along their back, dorsal fin, and tail, with colouration that can range from blue or green to yellow-green or brown.

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