Bridgeland’s New Tree Ambassador Program


by the BRCA Tree Committee

Are you interested in learning more about trees, including their pests and diseases? Would you like to help plant more trees in our community? Are you interested in sharing information about trees with others? Do you want to know how to alert the City to take care of their ailing trees? Are you someone who likes to plan community events? If you answered yes to any of these questions, please consider volunteering to be a tree ambassador!

The City of Calgary is piloting a Community Tree Ambassador program in a small number of communities over the next year or two, with the hope that they can roll it out across the city in the future. Tree ambassadors will learn about trees, communicate about trees with the community, volunteer at tree planting events or educational events, and learn about sending 3-1-1 messages on City trees that need help. The list of opportunities is still being developed. Bridgeland Riverside was chosen as one of the initial four communities, because we have already been doing a lot to help our community trees. We are waiting for BRCA board approval in January. Our tree committee expects it will be supportive, so we are starting to look for ambassadors. Tree ambassadors will get coaching from the City’s Parks Activation and Education team, so please consider volunteering – volunteers don’t need to be experts.

If you would like to learn more about this volunteer opportunity, please contact us at [email protected].

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