Bridgeland’s President/Editor’s Message for August


by Alex MacWilliam

I couldn’t think of a theme for this month’s message, so you’re getting a potpourri of items from me. You will see from this issue’s cover photo (courtesy of Harold Krause) that the solar panels have now been installed on our community hall building. With all the sunny weather we have enjoyed this summer, we are looking forward to reducing our consumption of non-renewable energy sources and lowering the operating costs at the hall.

Speaking of the hall, the repairs are at long last completed and you will see the “save-the-date” in this issue. I hope you can join us to celebrate the re-opening of the hall for functions and meetings. I would like to express our appreciation to the many organizations that contributed their space to the BRCA and other groups impacted by the hall closure. These kind folks include the Centre Street Church (Bridgeland Campus), JEMM Properties (The Bridge), Calgary Buddhist Temple, LDV Pizza, Bridgeland Crossings, and the Italian Cultural Centre. A big thank-you also goes to our general manager, Pam Swan, for dealing with insurers, contractors, the City, and hall users during the past 10 months and doing all this without being able to work from her office in the hall.

It’s easy to see that there is lots going on in the neighbourhood these days: work on the Main Street projects on Edmonton Trail and 1 Avenue continues while repairs to the grass and the playground in Murdoch Park are intended to keep our “central park” in good condition for all types of users.

Thank you to the folks at the Calgary Drop-In Centre for their first contribution to our newsletter. We look forward to continuing to foster good relations with our neighbours across the river.

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