Bridgeland’s Volunteer Profile for June


How did you first get involved with the BRCA as a volunteer?

Shortly after moving to Bridgeland-Riverside in 2016, I attended an open house at the community hall concerning one of the proposed new condo developments on 9 Street. While there, I met Ali McMillan and she told me about the interesting things happening in the neighbourhood. It turned out that we both had an interest in urban planning and have a common hero – Jane Jacobs. Ali suggested I attend a meeting of the BRCA Planning Committee and that led to me joining that committee. Having lived in a newer community for the previous 25 years where very little development occurred, it was certainly a change to be living in a very old neighbourhood that was undergoing significant redevelopment. The Planning Committee was very busy assisting residents dealing with land use and development permit applications, so I learned a lot about the neighbourhood in short order. I also took the free Partners in Planning course offered by The Federation of Calgary Communities. It was a great way develop skills in this area and meet with volunteers from many other community associations.

What led you to consider serving on the BRCA Board?

After a year on the Planning Committee, I was asked if I wanted to join the Board. By this time, I had grown to love living here and wanted to increase my contribution to the community. I serve on a couple of not-for-profit boards in the arts community, so felt that my board experience could be of value to the BRCA Board. In 2020, I was persuaded to offer my services as BRCA President and agreed to do so because of the great people who were carrying on as fellow directors.

What is involved in being a Board member?

The Board meets once a month, as do its committees. Board members also sit on one committee (some are on more than one). It is a very collaborative Board, so we are good at pitching in and sharing the workload. New Board members are made welcome and are gently onboarded.

What do you enjoy about being a BRCA Board member?

The past three years have been challenging for everyone, including the BRCA. Having had to close our hall and cancel our programs for the better part of two years due to COVID was very difficult. We got up and running in 2022 only to have the hall severely damaged by a fire in late November, resulting in our inability to offer rentals pending the repairs. Clearly, none of this has been enjoyable, however, being part of a great group of Board members who I now consider to be friends has made all the difference. I also very much enjoy the opportunities being on the Board provides to interact with community residents and businesses.

What would you say to community members thinking about joining the Board?

If you love living in our neighbourhood and would like to contribute to making it even better by working with a group of friendly, like-minded neighbours, I can think of no better way to do so than to join our Board or one of its committees. It is fun, interesting, and a great way to give back to the community.

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