Plant Together, Grow Together: BRCA Rooftop Garden


The BRCA Rooftop Garden is gearing up for another season of growing together with a focus on creating community connections!

The garden, located on the roof of the BRCA Community Hall, has 25 individual small and large plots.

Applications for the 2025 growing season are open from March 1 to April 1, 2025. You must be a resident of Bridgeland-Riverside and a member of the Bridgeland-Riverside Community Association to be eligible to apply for a garden plot.

Preference is given to persons living in apartments and condos. Individual gardeners are responsible to weed, water, care for, and harvest throughout the season on their specific plot and must participate in the spring and fall cleanups. Applications are processed in the order in which they are received.

After four years without change, plot fees will see a modest increase to cover rising costs for soil, compost, and garden security. These costs are for the upcoming 2025 gardening season:

Large plots: $45.00

Small plots: $35.00

To offer barrier-free gardening, we have a limited number of plots which we can offer at a reduced rate. Please contact [email protected] for more information.

Once the application period is open, the Gardener Application Form will be found at

Help Out with the Rooftop Garden

If you’re interested in volunteering with the rooftop garden – weeding, spring or fall cleanup, etc., please email [email protected].

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