De Winton’s Bittersweet Farewell to Amanda

Dewinton cn

We are very sad (for us not for her) to announce that our lovely hall manager Amanda Gotmy has been offered a fresh new job that will better fit into her busy life and is leaving the DCA. Amanda has been amazing, and we will greatly miss her enthusiasm and hard work. She will continue to help us while we try to find someone to fill her shoes. In the interim, Cindy Poole will be stepping into the role until we can find a new hall manager. Good luck in your new position Amanda!

… and Another

The community also recently had to say farewell to long time residents Larry and Corrie Loomes. Larry and Corrie have been actively involved in the De Winton community for decades and are recipients of our Walter Turnbull Award. Corrie was our very first volunteer playschool teacher and Larry most recently has been responsible for our roadway signage. They have left the area to be closer to family, and to warmer weather, on the coast. We will miss them dearly.

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