What’s Up at Arbour Lake in January


Lake Fees

Fees are currently due, but you have until January 31 to pay your fees interest-free. Fees can be paid in person at the lake office by cash, cheque, debit, Visa, or Mastercard (there will be no additional charges if you pay by credit card). Fees can also be paid through online banking by adding Arbour Lake Residents Association as a payee, and using your account number listed on your invoice, if you are not sure of your account number, contact the office and they can assist you. Lake fees are mandatory for all residents living in Arbour Lake and you cannot opt out of paying them. If your fees are left unpaid, interest will start accumulating on the overdue balance as of February 1 at a rate of 18% per annum, compounded monthly, so be sure to get your payment in before January 31.

Lake Hours

Watch our website, social media, or contact the lake office for updates on lake hours.

Ice at the Lake

Hopefully, the January weather will cooperate so we can get as much out of our winter season as possible. Remember we are dealing with Mother Nature, and there may be times when we need to close the ice for maintenance or because of unsafe weather conditions. The lake will be open on natural ice when ice depths measure between 10” and 15”, and the Olympia Zamboni will be used once all test locations reach a minimum depth of 15”. Please do not throw rocks onto the ice surface. Not only can the rocks damage the Olympia (ice resurfacer), but they also can create holes in the ice when the sun is out, making the surface extremely unsafe. If the rinks are unsafe that means no skating.

What do the flags mean?

  • Red flag = Full closure. Stay far away from the ice.
  • Yellow flag = Partial closure. Contact the lake office or check the website for updates.
  • Green flag = Open for all winter activities.

General Rules – “Helmets Rule at Arbour Lake”

  • All skaters under the age of 18 must wear a helmet while on the ice at Arbour Lake.
  • Anyone playing hockey must wear a helmet. *No exceptions*
  • Hockey sticks and pucks are only permitted on the designated hockey rinks.
  • Ice fishing holes will be drilled by Lake Staff only. Personal augers are not permitted.

Arbour Lake Light Display

We hope you enjoy the fabulous display that the lake staff worked so hard at putting up! The lights will be on until early January. On another note, please be on the lookout and report anyone vandalizing the lights.

Winter Programs Begin!

Our instructors are looking forward to the start of winter programs! To everyone who registered for winter programs, you are reminded that helmets are mandatory for all participants, parents are to remain at the lake during their child’s skating lesson, and no refunds will be issued for classes cancelled, as a make-up class will be scheduled by the instructor instead.

Check www.arbourlake.com, Arbour Lake Residents Association on Facebook, or @arbourlakeresidents on Instagram for updates on lake conditions.