Banff Trail’s Stampede Event Recap


What a day! Nearly 250 people showed up during a crazy Calgary storm to celebrate Stampede at the Banff Trail Community Association. The weather started out promising until the dark clouds rolled in and the lightening and thunder began; the skies opened up and attendees, musicians, face painters, and balloon artists rushed inside. To top it off, the power went out completely!

Thanks to our dedicated volunteers and entertainers, the party continued inside and on the covered deck as the heavens roared outside. The delicious meal consisted of pulled beef, pulled jack fruit, coleslaw, veggies, chips, fruit, ice cream, hot dogs, and cookies (baked by local teen, Hannah, our events coordinator’s (Kerstin) daughter).

A special thank-you to Telus for sponsoring this event and bringing games for attendees to play, John Preston for donating bottles water, Ward 7 for their monetary contributions, and the countless volunteers who sold tickets, served food, cleaned, and served ice cream etc. A super special thanks to Youth Central for volunteering 13 eager youth who worked non-stop throughout the event.

Caring people make for loved communities. Thank you to everyone who volunteered and came to celebrate this long-standing Calgary tradition!

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