Raven’s Corner – September


Greetings! What a rainy summer we had! My family in Ontario suffered brutally with the heat and humidity while we seemed to get all their much-needed rain. But now it is autumn. This is my favourite of seasons. I have fond memories of Gatineau, Quebec where the seas of maple leaves would ruby, gold, and vibrant oranges. As a child, I would love shuffling my feet through the dry crunchy leaves, ploughing through them leaving wakes of leaves beside my trail. Even though I live in Calgary now, there are still trees that change colour, and still the wonderful smells of the earth I can enjoy during my walks or bicycle rides.

This year, the Autumnal Equinox will happen in Calgary on Tuesday, September 22, 2020 at 7:31 am, according to astrologists. This marks the first day of fall. This is also called the September Equinox or the Fall Equinox. While we enjoy fall in Calgary, in the Southern Hemisphere, my extended family will start enjoying the first days of spring and will start planting seeds in the garden hoping for a good harvest. Enjoy this weather and get out there and enjoy it as much as possible. After all, as Jon Snow always says, “winter is coming.”

This month is also our AGM (Annual General Meeting). This is why your membership is so important! We are asking all those with a Banff Trail Community Membership to attend on September 19 at 10:00 am at the Banff Trail Community Hall in the main hall. This meeting is for you to vote in your new 2020-2021 Banff Trail Community Association Board Members. Please note that only members can vote. The board (BTCA) consists of twelve dedicated members that are to serve your community and act as your voice. We strongly encourage all members to attend.

Many of the board members have been working diligently for many nights to create a relaunch plan for our Banff Trail Community Hall. As with many other communities, COVID-19 certainly presented many hurdles; however, the hall is now being rented once again. We have a trial yoga studio currently taking place in our hall. Small weddings are starting to be booked as well. Many thanks to those who worked so hard on this relaunch plan and it is lovely to see our hall and community come alive again.

The Banff Trail Conversation Club is now back in full swing. In keeping with the safety plan, the group is now meeting outside in the gardens behind our community hall. Their first meeting took place on Monday, July 20. Nurul Khan, founder of the Conversation Club, has been very patient waiting for the hall to reopen and was very excited to hear that the hall was opening again. Thank you so much, Nurul, for getting the group up and running again. Future meetings will take place every Monday at 1:00 pm.

Would you like to see a cycle track in your neighbourhood? Right now, there is a petition circulating Banff Trail to build a separated cycle track along 20th Avenue NW (from Banff Trail Train Station) to 4th Street NE (Mountainview School). More details are in this issue.

Do you have a Banff Trail Community Membership? At the 2018 AGM, your BTCA voted to set memberships to zero dollars. Yes, free. To get a membership, just provide your name, contact information, and let us know if you live within the Banff Trail neighbourhood boundaries to [email protected]. Memberships run from March to February and do not automatically renew. Please email to renew your membership for another year. For those interested in becoming a member for the first time, welcome!

Tracy Thomson, our Membership Coordinator, is also looking for volunteers to build a Banff Trail Membership Committee. If you are interested in volunteering in our community, please contact her at [email protected].

If you have anything you’re interested in, don’t hesitate to get involved. Our meetings are always on the first Wednesday of the month from 7:00 to 9:00 pm. These meetings are now online via video. Feel free to call 403-282-2234. You are more than welcome to attend! The Banff Trail Community Association consists of a pretty awesome group of neighbours who are here to make Banff Trail a great place to be.

PS. The Banff Trail Community Association needs you! We are in need of a BTCA Events Planner. If you have any questions, please contact us!

Your editor for the Banff Trail Howler,

Ravenmoon Spicer