Beddington’s Before and After School Program Update for January


Happy New Year!

We are looking forward to turning the calendar over to 2025!

New year means new beginnings, but for the children it marks just over a third of the way into the school year. This presents us with a great opportunity to offer up more variety in our programming and lean into the benefits our program provides.

Children’s out-of-school hours represent a substantial, ongoing opportunity for them to learn through play, engage in multi-age settings to change social dynamics and learning opportunities, and to form enduring and supportive relationships with adults. Childcare has also been shown to assist with cognitive development, physical health, emotional well-being, and social skills to enhance their overall development as they make their way through the elementary years.

Check out some paper snowflakes our older group made for room decorations along with some awesome canvas paintings from the grades 1 to 3.

Stay warm, safe and enjoy the season!

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