Beddington’s Message from the Board for February

Beddington mb

Your new Board is planning a great year to come but we need volunteers to turn plans into results.

Casino Volunteers for March 4 and 5

This is–by far–our biggest fundraiser for the Beddington community. If you are 18 and over and live in Beddington, please apply online or contact [email protected].

Board Members (Secretary and Members at Large)

We thank everyone who is serving on our new Board, with a special thanks to newcomer Diane Ward. We are missing a Secretary, a key role.

With the addition of Diane, we only just have met our minimum BHCA Board membership. Should only one member this year have to step back, we are at risk of ceasing all of our programs until that position is filled. These include our highly respected Before and After School Program, Reimagine Beddington (planning for outdoor spaces, including planters and community garden projects,) our Book Club, and Rink.

Becoming a Member at Large for BHCA would be a two-hour commitment for board meetings, January to June and again from September to November, plus the Annual General Meeting in November. We meet online every fourth Tuesday, 6:30 to 8:30 pm. Extra hours are optional, should you choose to get involved in events or projects. Understandably life happens and if you cannot make a meeting here or there it would be fine.

We are reaching out directly because we are in a hard place. It would be unfortunate if we were not able to maintain our minimum board requirements and have to shut all the programs down.

We are only seven Board members from our community of 11,840 (2016 census.) If you could spare a few hours to join us on the Board and help our community, please reach out to [email protected].

BHCA Board: Jennifer, Bonnie, Melisa, Janet, Wendy, Courtney, and Diane.