Happy March, Beddington!
Despite Balzac Billy’s prediction of an early spring, February found us still in the deep freeze. We hope Valentine’s Day allowed you to at least warm up your heart and to show the ones you love some appreciation!
Despite the cold temperatures, the Beddington Winter Carnival, held on Family Day, was a great success! It was wonderful seeing all the residents in attendance as well as many newcomers to the event. Everyone enjoyed skating, hot dogs, s’mores, perusing the Maker Market and reconnecting with neighbours and friends. We would like to thank all of the volunteers who made this event possible as well as volunteers from Youth Central and Winston Churchill High School. Also, a big shout out to Brady Adkins and his volunteers who maintain the skating rink throughout the winter. In addition, we would like to thank the City of Calgary for awarding us the Ward Community Event Fund Grant as well as the Stepping Stones Grant; this support helps our community put on events for the public which allow us to engage in community spirit, support small business and cultivate inclusion.
On the heels of Family Day came Teachers Convention offering a small break for our kids and families during these cold winter months. We hope you had the opportunity to spend time with your family or get away for a short vacation.
March is now upon us, and we are hoping for a bit warmer temperatures. Unfortunately, with warmer temperatures we usually get a dump of heavy snow. Be careful out there and make sure you take breaks when shovelling deep snow. It’s also nice to look around your neighbourhood and see if there is anyone that you could be a “snow angel” for; I’m sure they would greatly appreciate the help.
Our next event is the Cowboys Casino on April 5 and 6; if you can volunteer for this event, please see the Casino Poster in this Banner for contact information.
Looking ahead to the spring, we are already in the planning stages for the Community Garden, Sleddington, the Bart Wall, and the Green Space Cleanup. Be sure to keep an eye on the Beddington Banner, our website, Facebook, and Instagram for all the upcoming events.
Enjoy the month and we look forward to seeing you in the community!
BHCA Board
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