St. Bede School Playground Update



In December 2019, the St. Bede Playground Project was given up to 25K through Building Communities Grant. Therefore, the total fundraised is now at 103K, which is half of what is needed for the proposed playground!

We, the Bermuda Drive Educational Teamwork Foundation (BDETF) are doing great work fundraising and we are on schedule. The TENTATIVE BUILD DATE is June 5-7. The reason the playground build is currently a tentative build is due to both the government grant (a matching grant) announcement and our proposed build timeline being within close proximity. If we receive the matching grant, we must be prepared to have “all our ducks in a row” in terms of planning, ordering, volunteers, and so we can build shortly after receiving the money. Hence the Playground build dates are TENTATIVE.

In order to keep the cost of the playground at 200K we opted for a Volunteer Build which saves us +30K. We will need 20+ volunteers per day for 3 days (June 5-7.) Any adult can volunteer, and we need volunteers! Volunteer roles range from: basic construction, lifting and moving pieces to manning food and beverage tables, supervising volunteers’ children, sorting, serving food, etc.

Volunteer responsibilities and time slots are posted on a Sign-up Genius and will be posted on our Facebook page and St. Bede Media Streams.

NOTE: Construction of the Playground will only be cancelled IF we do NOT receive the matching government grant. Volunteers who sign up, please stay tuned on our Facebook page School Social Media in case there are any changes.

In the meantime, the BDETF continues to fundraise through the following: bottle drives, Westjet Raffle, grants, donors, etc.

About us

The Bermuda Drive Educational Teamwork Foundation (BDETF), is the schools’ parent led group whose only purpose is to fundraise for the new playground. This is a group of volunteers who are determined to raise + $100,000. Every cent goes toward the playground. Construction/completion is expected to be spring 2020.

St. Bede School

St. Bede Elementary School is located in the established community of Beddington Heights, and it needs a new playground. The well-used playground served the School and community for +20 years was deemed unsafe and removed in 2018. The area is now vacant.

Follow us, St. Bede Playground Project, on social media so you don’t miss an update on what’s to come!

BDETF Chairperson, Ilona Dezentje