Brentwood Cares Update for December


Young Farmers and Our Little Food Library

Maria Montessori Education Centre (MMEC), as a class business grew vegetables at Livingston Farms, a small family farm located east of Vulcan run by two retired teachers. The junior high class went out to the farm in late May for a few of days to prep and plant. Through June and the summer months, smaller groups of students and parents returned to weed, mulch, and water. Students got hands-on experience about where our food comes from, and the transformation from a single seed to a small plant, and finally mature plants. The class returned in early October for harvest, which was more bountiful than expected. After fall “sales” at the school, additional surplus was twice donated to our Little Food Library. BCA member and class teacher Jo Colgan arranged the donations.

Thanks so much to Jo and the students for sharing the bounty with those in need and contributing much-needed fresh vegetables.

First food donation

Harvest time at the farm

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