Brentwood’s Community Call for Whispering Signs Artwork


Calling all community artists, young and old, for the rejuvenation of Whispering Signs!

A local nonprofit, Grassroutes Ethnoecological Association, has received grants to replace the existing outdoor interpretive signage in northwest Brentwood. We are working closely with Dr E.W. Coffin School, and Indigenous Elders and Knowledge Keepers. We are also looking to enhance the biodiversity content, both on the signs and on a supporting website. This is where you community artists come in!

Have a look at to see the existing collection of signs. What other local nature do you treasure about our neighbourhood that is not yet represented in the signs? We are looking for drawings of bison, big dipper, crow, chickadee, bobcat, comet, eagle, earthworm, fireweed, fungi, garter snake, lichen, native bees and butterflies, northern flicker, pocket gopher, rosehip, snowberry plant … and more!

Artists retain copyright of their own material; there is no compensation for submissions; the submissions may be freely used by Grassroutes for project-related purposes, such as the signs, the website, any associated publications, etc.

Deadline: January 15, 2025

Send your high-resolution submissions to [email protected].

Polly Knowlton Cockett

Grassroutes Ethnoecological Association

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