Brentwood’s Editor’s Scribblings for August


Dear Brentwoodians,

Many of you enjoyed the Neighbour Day celebration on June 17; I did with my family! Our neighbourhood columnist Lee Hunt gives a rundown of the attractions and announces the prize winners elsewhere in this issue, Cam Howey (Brentwood Cares) provided a photo essay of the day, and we received some other great photos which you will find as you read along.

Brentwood Swag – Have You Got Yours?

Also, thanks to Cam, Neighbour Day was the official release of the new Brentwood swag, t-shirts, carry bags, and stickers. Some selections were sold out on Neighbour Day, so if you want to get yours before they are totally sold out, or place an order for the next printing, please call the BCA Office at 403-284-3477, Monday to Friday between the hours of 9:00 am and 12:00 pm and 1:00 to 4:00 pm.

Photo Contest

The Bugle is looking for Brentwood’s best amateur photographers to provide cover images each month. If you have a great snap of our neighbourhood saved on your phone or posted on your social media feed, send it in for a chance to be featured on the cover of an upcoming issue! Photos must be 300 DPI or higher (i.e., from a newer model phone or good digital camera), 2400 x 1600 pixels minimum size, and portrait orientation. If submitting pictures of minors, please make sure that you have direct, express permission to submit the picture from a parent or guardian. Send your photos, or any questions, to [email protected].

Yours sincerely,

Jonathan Jucker, editor

Brentwood Bugle

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