Brentwood’s Editor’s Scribblings for December


Dear Brentwoodians,

It is hard to believe that I am already writing holiday season’s greetings, because as I look out my home office window I am treated to a view of late afternoon sunlight – what photographers call the “golden hour” – seemingly setting fire to trees that still have a few leaves, and the top of Nose Hill just peeking over our neighbours’ houses. Halloween was just a few nights ago, and my son has barely made a dent in the massive haul he netted canvassing a few crescents and roads in Brentwood with some friends. Halloween is one of my favourite holidays, not for the treats or the spookiness, but for the chance to walk around and say hello to people in our neighbourhood who we might not otherwise cross paths with often. I see more “trunk and treat” events being advertised each year, and they have a place, especially for people who are unable to go door-to-door, but nothing beats the sense of community brought on by the real thing. Teaching young kids to interact with their neighbours is also beneficial for their social skills!

We have a lot of great content this month, so I will keep it short and sign off with best wishes to all my neighbours for the winter holidays and the coming new year. Many thanks for your support and continued interest!

I also want to thank the readers who send in more gorgeous photos each month than I know what to do with, and save my biggest thank you for our amazing contributors, Lee, Melanie, Rosemary, Cam, Andrew, Ann, Nancy, and of course Linda and Bonita at the BCA.

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