Brentwood’s Editor’s Scribblings for January


Dear Brentwoodians,

Happy New Year! I hope that everyone has had a wonderful holiday season, and that you were able to get a chance to rest a little, spend time with your loved ones, and find a way to add some light to the long dark winter nights.

For many of us, the month of December is a time to exchange gifts with our friends and loved ones, as a way of letting them know that we appreciate them for the good things they add to our lives. Some of our amazing neighbours give the gift of their time, energy, and expertise to our community through their volunteer work, and I would like to highlight two of them.

Lee Hunt should be well-known to Bugle readers for her profiles of the people who live in and contribute to our neighbourhood. As described elsewhere in this issue, she was awarded the King Charles III Coronation Medal, in recognition of her contributions to the community (writing her articles here is just a drop in the bucket of her work). Congratulations Lee!

Fittingly, the article about Lee’s medal was written by Melanie Swailes, another long-time Brentwood volunteer. Melanie has been dedicating tremendous amounts of her time to the Development and Transportation Committee, as well as attending too often-contentious city council meetings to make sure that the voice of our community is heard. Melanie has announced that she will be stepping down from her role, which leaves some very big shoes to be filled! Here’s hoping that someone from our community can step up.

You will also see a poster for the upcoming charity casino at the Elbow River Casino May 3 to 4. Please sign up and support the BCA!

Finally, the Calgary Police Service has shared an up-to-date community safety guide with the BCA. It is too large to print in the Bugle, but please go to the BCA website to take a look:

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