Cambrian Heights March President’s Message


Activity at the Community Hall has been restricted by COVID health safety measures since March of 2020. At the writing of this report, there has been Provincial changes being announced that ends the Restrictions Exemption Program but retains the Face Covering Bylaw. Further changes are proposed for March 1 and beyond, subject to hospitalizations rates dropping. Issues may remain, however with the City of Calgary’s response in regards to local regulations. We remain focused on promoting renewed activity at our hall and grounds, while maintaining appropriate health safety standards. These will be guided by City of Calgary regulations as owners of the hall and grounds.

As outlined in our February report, we are tentatively planning a southern France wine tasting evening on Saturday, May 28. We will of course be monitoring the public indoor gathering regulations against the social nature of this wine tasting and food service event. A firm commitment to this event will be made in early April, with tickets going on sale through our website at Details will be provided on this site as well as our Facebook page.

In addition, we have scheduled our Annual General Meeting for June 28 at the Community Hall. We again hope to host this event with guests and a social reception to explore issues important to the residents of Cambrian Heights. Put this on your calendar and contribute to the discussion that evening.

To reopen the Hall to activities after two years of shutdowns, we need your help. Whether you have the time to assist in our website, Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram programs, or to help organize social events, please contact us at [email protected] to discuss avenues to develop community involvement.

Our two outdoor ice rinks have provided an excellent social and physical activity outlet particularly in these pandemic winters. By the publication of this issue, these two rinks may be on their last legs, as March 20 brings the first day of spring. We all extend our appreciation to Scott Jacobson and his team of volunteers for another excellent season.

We continue to support our online yoga program and hope to soon revert to pre-pandemic live classes at the hall as well as a restart of our fitness program. We remind residents, with spring and summer around the corner, of the $100 Block party subsidy available through the Community. Bringing your neighbours together is a great way to promote the spirit of friendship. Feel free to explore this idea by emailing [email protected].

We have all noticed an increase in home sales, renovations, and new builds over the last 12 months in Cambrian Heights. We encourage all new owners to reference our website for the document “Lessons Learned” and discuss design aspects with your neighbours or explore conversation with the Community Planning Committee to avoid conflicts in the development process.

We continue to encourage all residents of Cambrian Heights to consider involvement in your community association. We further encourage all in the community to provide feed back and ideas at [email protected] identifying what type of programs and activities you would like to see for our community. Whether you have an ability to volunteer or not, your suggestions are always appreciated.

Daryl Connolly, President CHCA