Cambrian Heights’ President’s Message for January

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January is a new year and the heart of the winter season. Opportunities in nearby Nose Hill Park, Confederation Park, and all our community parks provide opportunities for outside winter activities to wear off the holiday calories are a community advantage. Our outdoor ice rinks will be in full use, and we now have a new coordinator, Brent Else. Who will relieve Scott Jacobson after eleven years of extraordinary service, of this responsibility. Scott may still be found helping out the Rink Rats maintain our two ice rinks and he, like Brent, welcome any offer to help out the existing dedicated crew. If you want to help out, please contact Brent at [email protected].

On November 30 we held our 5th annual Lego Contest at the Community Hall. This event attracted contestants of all ages from surrounding communities and has proven very popular with participating children and adult viewers. This year was no exception. A few pictures of the entries are attached. Many more are on our website ( We want to thank Nancy Else and Noah Sonnenberg for the difficult task of judging the entries in all age categories. We also wish to thank Superstore for their donations for prizes and both Noah and Ben for their incredible creations that were put on display. On December 13 we held a Christmas Wreath making event. Tickets were limited to the first 35 purchasers and were sold out in November. We thank all those volunteers involved in planning and making these events successful. A Volunteer Appreciation evening is in the plans for early 2025.

We are happy to welcome another new Board member in January. Wendy Elaschuk, a long-term resident, who will be focusing on community finance for Cambrian Heights as the new Treasurer. New Board members are welcome and are encouraged to bring their own experience and perspective to issues impacting our community. Consider attending a Board meeting to learn and perhaps participate in future issue discussions or event planning.

On January 25, we are offering for the first time a free Career Coaching session at the Community Hall hosted by one of our Board members experienced in this field. See our website and poster in this issue for more information and to register. Plus, join us for our annual Polar Party that will be held on our outdoor ice rinks behind the Community Hall on February 1. Hot chocolate, games, snacks, and a warming fire pit will support the on-ice activities.

Please involve yourself in community activities through 2025 and continue to send us comments you may have to expand or improve our programs or add to community services. Our last Board meeting featured discussions with Jeff Davison, a candidate for mayor in the 2025 municipal election, a representative from MLA Calgary Klein Lizette Tejada’s office and a resident Ila Faye Dale wanting to start a funding raising program to replace the playground facilities on 39th Avenue.

Also, remember 100% of your 2025 membership fees go into supporting social activities within Cambrian Heights. Information on how to become a member can be found within this newsletter and on our website.

Daryl Connolly

President CHCA

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