Cambrian Heights’ President’s Message for July

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With the advent of summer, the board of directors takes a two-month holiday from meetings. However, work continues on planning social events, continuing progress on our off-leash dog park development, the volunteer effort to enhance the park space bordering Cambrian and Northmount Drive, and the attention to increasing development permits as our community grows and experiences changes in housing design.

June was highlighted in Cambrian Heights by our Annual General Meeting on June 27 and some Neighbour Day block parties held on June 17. Those who attended the AGM heard of the continuing strong financial position that the community enjoys while our need for residents to join in planning and participating in social events remains a challenge. We are planning to host an outdoor event in mid-September with entertainment and food to welcome the fall months and a new season of social activities.

Of major impact to the residents was the provincial general election. We congratulate our new MLA Lizette Tejada on her successful campaign and look forward to establishing the same level of communication and community support enjoyed with our previous representative, Jeremy Nixon.

The community hall will remain busy this summer season with the second year of the Between Friends summer camp occupying the facility and grounds throughout the July and August months. We will be hosting on July 15 our second Die Volksmesse car show on the community hall grounds. In addition, we have recently added a church group and committed to a fall Scottish country dancing group program. We are looking to add additional programs this fall as well as return with our yoga and fitness programs in September.

As previously reported, there are two gardening projects in our community. One is the planting of flowers at the park space bordering Cambrian and Northmount Drive, and the new demonstration garden sponsored by the Alberta Low Impact Development Partnership (ALIDP) at the rear of the community hall. The first garden is a beautification project on this park spacing as a visible entry point into our community. With the City reducing services, we have gathered a volunteer group to plant flowers and care for this park space. Should you wish to help out in this regard, please contact us at [email protected]. The ALIDP garden, on the other hand, is a provincially sponsored project that identifies low maintenance natural plants designed for Alberta weather conditions as an alternative to high water demand grass lawns. Come visit the garden behind the hall that is also being monitored and studied by the University of Calgary for natural moisture levels.

We continue to pursue future enhancements to the off-leash park on 32 Avenue and 10 Street. Progress has been slowed by a current small volunteer base but with Calgary Parks’ help, improvements have been made and will continue with the planting of new tress this summer. You may have noticed fencing around some areas of this park which are designed to allow the initiation of a taller growing but hardy grass to minimize maintenance of the area. This is part of a City wide parks program. The City will continue to cut grass in the main area for off-leash activity and water new trees until they are stabilized. Please consider involving yourself in our park enhancement projects.

The community is in need of volunteers to replace our treasurer and our social media director, both of whom have retired this year. These are critical positions for the community association that control our finance and communications activities. This is an opportunity to join an experienced team and help develop the programs, events, and planning for Cambrian Heights. To discuss these volunteer opportunities and others, please contact us at [email protected].

Have a great summer!

Daryl Connolly, President CHCA

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