Cambrian Heights’ President’s Message for March

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Our Annual Polar Party was cancelled on February 1 due to very cold and snowy weather conditions. However, the outdoor rinks retained their popularity throughout the month as conditions improved. March usually brings a close to the outdoor ice, and with it the hard work of the maintenance volunteers. We extend our thanks to Brent Else and his team for another successful winter season.

Also, during the month our planned Career Coaching afternoon was cancelled due to limited interest. We have the ability to reschedule the session as it will be organized by one of our volunteer directors with professional experience in this area. Should you have interest in this opportunity, please let us know at [email protected] and we will revisit the session timing.

As reported last month, the community has two local multifamily developments proposed taking advantage of the new zoning bylaw in our city. These developments propose the construction of a non-contextual structure containing four units, each with a basement suite to accommodate eight families, on what previously was a single-family residence. With each development permit application our planning group submits comments on infrastructure stresses, street safety, and architectural issues. In these two cases offsetting residents also wished to comment on the negative impact on their street to these developments. To help residents file comments, board members met with concerned residents to explain the bylaw details and the process for submitting comments to the City. A summary of this process has been published on our website to assist other residents, as more Development Permit applications are expected in Cambrian Heights in the near future. If you have any issues with these applications, please inform our planning group of your concerns.

We continue to work on organizing a Tuesday Farmers’ Market at the community hall grounds, through the May to September period, building on the success of our fall market last year. We have added Valerie Vallance to our Board of Directors and made her priority the development of a regulated plan to ensure the best quality and diversity of food product vendors for our community. As we progress with this project, we will be releasing more details in the newsletter and social media.

We have scheduled a Volunteer Appreciation night for Thursday, March 6 at 7:30 pm at the Pig and Whistle (4105 4 Street NW). While invitations to past volunteers have been sent out, we encourage anyone interested in future volunteering to stop by or email us at [email protected].

Please remember 100% of your 2025 membership fees go into supporting social activities within Cambrian Heights. Information on how to become a member is detailed in this newsletter. We encourage residents to at least register their email addresses to receive bulletins dealing with development issues within the community.

Daryl Connolly

President CHCA

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