Cambrian Heights’ President’s Message for November

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This month will witness an active period for the community with the Casino fundraising taking place November 4 and 5 at the Pure Casino. Only with the help of many volunteers may this major fundraising be accomplished. We wish to thank all those that volunteered and especially thank our two organizers David Babich and Phillip Holcomb for their efforts to make the Casino a success. Later this month, as the weather cools, work will commence on our two outdoor ice rinks. This is only possible thanks to volunteers throughout the winter months. If you can help out, please contact us at [email protected] for more information.

Many of you may have noticed that Calgary Parks planted well over 100 trees in our community during late September. Most went in the Dog Park along 32 Ave but also in other park spaces within Cambrian Heights. While we did not have any advance notice or involvement in the tree placements, we had made the Parks group aware of our receptivity for more trees in our park spaces. An unexpected surplus of trees needing to be planted caught everyone by surprise but was to our ultimate benefit.

The community sign project is continuing with final design considerations and a review for supporting grant opportunities. Our current schedule will see the installation in late May 2025 subject to City approvals. Also, I am pleased to report we will be working to have a full summer Farmers’ Market after our successful trial in September. Watch for details in our website next spring. We are also continuing to work towards enhancing our Dog Park offsetting QPC and will continue looking at our other park spaces and where we can contribute with the City on developing new or updated playground facilities that enhance our community.

During October we held our annual Halloween Pumpkin Giveaway but for the first time supported by an indoor Farmers’ Market. A repeat of our Lego Contest is also scheduled for November 30. Other events into 2025 include our annual Polar party (February 1), a Volunteer Appreciation Night, and a Dog Park Event. If you wish to get involved with community social programs contact us at [email protected]. Please read the newsletter or consult with our website for details of all future activities.

With the recent City decision to allow R-CG zoning throughout the city many communities have responded by establishing restrictive covenants to challenge certain multifamily developments. There is currently an old restrictive covenant on many properties within Cambrian Heights. These covenants may provide a mechanism through the courts to restrict what structures may be built on those properties. We will be exploring the applicability of these covenants for property owners from an informational perspective. Once we have studied the issues we will provide an informational update.

We remain without a full-time volunteer Treasurer on the Board. Please consider volunteering if you have any accounting background. Contact us at [email protected] with any questions or to discuss the level of accounting knowledge required.

Involve yourself in community activities and send us any comments you may have to improve our programs.

Daryl Connolly

President CHCA

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