Cambrian Heights’ President’s Message for September

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September brings with it a new year feeling as schools resume and the summers activities begin to wind down as mother nature starts a change in outdoor colours and temperatures in Alberta. It is also the beginning of a new activity schedule for the Community Association. This year I am pleased to announce we will be running a Farmers Market every Tuesday from September 3 to October 1 as a test towards making this a full summer market in 2025. The market will take place in the community hall parking lot and will be open from 3:00 to 7:00 pm. We anticipate providing vegetables, fruits, berries, preserves, baking, Ukrainian foods, meats, and more as vendors are confirmed. Updates will be provided on social media as well as on our website (

We would like to thank all those who participated in the community newsletter survey concerning the signage design being considered for the park at the intersection of Cambrian and Northmount Drives. The Board will now review the results of the survey and proceed with final cost and design selection. A City development permit process will have to be initiated allowing further comments from residents.

While we will be maintaining our Yoga Programs this fall (see poster in this newsletter) we have cancelled our long-term Fitness program due to lack of live local participation. This was a long-standing program that never seemed to recover from the Covid-19 years. We will remain open for new ideas to replace this program in the future.

The Community has been confirmed with Casino dates of November 4 and 5 this year. The funds accrued from the volunteers provided, in our case to Pure Casino Calgary for those two days, provides the major funding supporting the Community Association Hall upkeep and social activities. Should you be able to help out this year at our Casino dates please contact us at [email protected]. We provide a meal during your Casino daytime or evening shift and also reimburse you for transportation to and from as well as babysitting if required.

Social activities are being planned by the Board for the fall/winter season which include an early October Trivia Night at the community hall. If you have any suggestions or wish to get involved with community social programs, please contact us at [email protected]. Please read the newsletter or consult with our website for future activities. We also encourage your involvement with Cambrian Heights community and its activities and programs by contacting us at [email protected].

We remain without a full-time volunteer Treasurer on the Board. This is a key position and without a resident coming forward as a volunteer will necessitate funds being expended to hire for this part time position. Please consider volunteering if you have any accounting background. Contact us at [email protected] with any questions.

Daryl Connolly

President CHCA

Click here to the Cambrian Heights Community News home page for the latest Cambrian Heights community updates.


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