February’s President’s Message from Cambrian Heights


While into the second month of a new year, the news from your community association continues to be missing the past excitement of events and programs to announce. Instead, we have the highly contagious Omicron variant impacting our social gatherings and daily lives. Our online Fitness classes were suspended in January due to limited participation. Our Yoga classes however have continued, as detailed in the poster within this issue. The annual Polar Party was also cancelled due to the inability to provide free skate rentals and volunteer organizations. We, as Directors of the Community Association, are focused on returning the level of programming experienced in pre-COVID years to our community hall. We are tentatively planning for the second quarter of this year a Wine Tasting event, an Open House promoting community participation with an update on our park’s development ideas, and our Annual General Meeting in late June. Please watch our website at www.cambrianheightscommunity.com for details.

Cambrian Heights will need participation from our residents to plan these social events while developing new educational programming such as language classes for all ages and improving on our communication systems with community residents. To help in this process we need someone to volunteer time to realize the potential of our website, Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram programs. If you are able to volunteer some time to help, please contact us at [email protected] to discuss your potential involvement.

Our two outdoor ice rinks are available for skating thanks to Scott Jacobson and his team of volunteers. They have done a great service to the community with the two ice surfaces this year in extremely cold conditions. Extra hands are always needed so if you are able to help even for a few hours please contact Scott at [email protected].

We remind residents of the $100 Block party subsidy available through the Community. Whether winter or summer, bringing your neighbours together is a great way to promote the spirit of friendship that Calgary is famous for exhibiting. Feel free to explore this idea by contacting me by email or phone.

We continue to encourage all residents of Cambrian Heights to stay safe in 2022 and hope soon to be announcing programs and activities for our community as in pre-pandemic years. In the interim please enjoy our outdoor ice rinks and consider involvement in your community association. We further encourage all in the community to provide feed back and ideas at [email protected] identifying what type of programs and activities you would like to see for our community. Whether you have an ability to volunteer or not, your suggestions are always appreciated.

Daryl Connolly, President CHCA