Citadel’s President’s Message for July


Summer is here and along with summer comes Stampede. This year, the CCA is hosting their Stampede BBQ on July 8 from 12:00 to 3:00 pm. Put on your cowboy hat and come out to enjoy a burger, games, and some country music.

We had a busy June with Jennifer Wyness, Ward 2 Councilor hosting an Open House as well as the Citadel Parade of Garage Sales.

The next event we’re hosting (after Stampede) is Movie in the Park on August 12. This will take place at dusk behind Citadel Park School. Bring your lawn chair and a blanket and enjoy a movie.

Lastly, I want to remind you that the Citadel Community Hall is available to rent. If you are looking for a venue for a birthday, anniversary, or Christmas party, complete the rental request form on the website at

Stephanie Christensen, CCA President

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