Crescent Heights’ Mini Galleries Celebrates Three Years of Art in Rotary Park

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CHCA’s mini galleries are having a birthday party! Over three years, the galleries have hosted 16 exhibitions, partnered with 12 different art organizations, conducted 18 art walks, and displayed the works of 118 artists, each of whom were paid for their work. We’ve also hosted workshops, music, and dance events. We can’t count how many people have viewed the art but estimate it’s in the thousands.

In July and August, you’ll see artistic retrospectives of the three years in each gallery. On August 24, we’re throwing a birthday party, and we are inviting everyone who has been part of this wonderful project, including our community. Join us as we commemorate this remarkable milestone and reflect on the incredible journey we’ve shared. (Four-legged friends are also welcome.)

What was your favourite exhibit? Send your memories to [email protected] and you could be featured in our exhibit.

You’re invited to our mini galleries’ birthday party!

August 24 at 2:00 pm in Rotary Park.

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