Crescent Heights’ Planning Committee Update for June

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by Brenda Erskine, CHCA Planning Committee

CHCA’s planning committee has reviewed five applications for Land Use Bylaw amendments on corner lots so far this year. Four of the five are in Heritage Guidelines Areas, as defined by city planning (see map). If these Land Use amendments are approved by City Council, the existing pre-1945 character homes/cottage bungalows on these lots will be replaced with 4-unit row houses, up to 11 meters high, possibly with secondary suites in the basement.

If City Council denies the applicants, the existing bylaw allows the developer to build a duplex or semi-detached on the lot, maximum 10 meters high. Each unit, not including the secondary suites, requires 1.5 parking spaces

Whatever the developer decides to build, it must comply with the city’s Heritage Area Guidelines, which provide guidance on setback from the street, massing, and other design elements to ensure the new building reflects the existing character of homes in the area.

The Planning Committee Wants to Know What You Think

Is it important to preserve (as much as possible) the “character homes” in Crescent Heights? If yes, why?

Or should we acknowledge that every community changes with the housing needs of the city, and replacing single-family with multifamily homes is the best way to ensure as many people as possible have an opportunity to live in our community? If yes, should there be a limit on how many multifamily homes our community should support?

Send your comments to [email protected] We’re listening!

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