Crescent Heights’ President’s Message for January

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Happy New Year Crescent Heights!

Hopefully, you’re keen to embrace 2023. Well, your Board is saddled up and ready to go.

Your Board has fourteen members. When was the last time the CHCA had that many?

We ended the year with some significant grant funding for our six mini galleries in Rotary Park. The galleries now have another year of support. This constantly changing artwork is delightful. If you have some time to enjoy artwork, check out the mini galleries.

Progress has also been made on getting a fountain set up in Rotary Park. When in place, it will include a doggy fountain for human’s best friend to get a drink on those hot summer days. You can donate to this project by going to the CHCA website and clicking Donate.

Of course, our tireless rink crew is back ensuring that our heavily used ice surface is ready for you.

Walking through Crescent Heights on a wintry day is a wonderful activity. The snow on our mature trees and bushes is beautiful. When you’re off to a local coffee shop, restaurant, pub, medical office, or any other nearby business, the winter walk makes it all the more pleasurable.

Please consider joining our Board as Secretary. Your primary responsibility is to record our meeting’s minutes and administer our Google Drive/Gmail system. We can help you get up to speed with the administration part if you are unfamiliar with Google Drive/Gmail.

If you wish to help our community as a volunteer or Director, just email me at [email protected]. Youth and diversity are highly desired. Hope to see you around.

Dennis Marr, CHCA Board of Directors