Crescent Heights’ President’s Message for November

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Hello Crescent Heights,

At the time this message was written, it was still a few weeks until the CHCA Annual General Meeting and the election of our 2024-2025 Board of Directors. I’d like to start by expressing a big thank you to all those who volunteered their time to serve on the CHCA Board this past year, and an equally big thank you to those who put their names forward at the AGM to form this year’s board. We’ll update you in December’s newsletter with the new board roster and Director assignments.

We’d like to encourage you to share your feedback on the Crescent Heights High School Speed Bump Pilot Project, which is expected to remain in place for 18 months from the time of installation. To assess the efficacy of the pilot project, the City’s plan is to conduct before and after speed studies, review public feedback, and evaluate changes in driving behaviour. Based on the results, they will decide whether to remove the temporary speed bumps or plan for permanent installation in the future. Your feedback is essential, so please share your thoughts at

Finally, the skating rink project continues to move forward, and by the time the next newsletter reaches your mailbox, we hope to be out skating and playing some pickup hockey in our refurbished rink. Thanks once again for everyone’s continued effort on this amazing community project.

It’s a wonderful community that we live in – be sure to get out and enjoy it!


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