Crescent Heights’ President’s Report for August

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On behalf of the Board of Directors, I hope you are enjoying your summer. The Board took July off as has been the Board’s practice for a number of years. However, the work has continued.

Hopefully, you were able to attend our annual Stampede Breakfast; patronize our local businesses, stroll through Rotary Park and enjoy the mini galleries art; and take walks through our community to assess this year’s flower gardens.

Simultaneously, the CHCA hall has continued to be rented; cheques sent to our suppliers; and necessary maintenance undertaken.

Our long-term projects have continued to progress: the human/doggy fountain in Rotary Park; the new rink; and the development of Goose and Bear Park. Working with the City and securing funding is where these projects currently stand.

Your Planning Committee, in addition to providing feedback to the City on development permits, has taken a leading role in working with the new Heritage Guidelines by providing feedback and input to our Councillor and even to the City Council.

Your Traffic, Planning, and Mobility Committee (TPM) has been working with the Crescent Heights Village Business Improvement Association (BIA) to bring improvements to Centre Street. Planned improvements were incorporated into the Green Line project but now the TPM Committee and the BIA have decided to move ahead and seek improvements now rather than have them tied to the Green Line expansion to Centre St N.

To receive our more frequent electronic news bulletins (E-blasts) please sign up by emailing [email protected] or become a member by clicking on ‘Membership’ on our website.

If you wish to help your community as a volunteer or Director, just email me at [email protected]. Youth and diversity are highly desired.

Hope to see you around.

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