A Message from Edgemont’s Volunteer Coordinators – February

Edgemont cn

Happy February to all Edgemont volunteers!

Here’s the latest update…

Wednesday Breakfast Club

Thanks to our amazing volunteers continue to support children in our neighbourhood every Wednesday morning before they head off to school. If you are interested in helping with distribution or make donations, please contact us!

Good Food Boxes

Distribution and delivery volunteers are essential in keeping fruits and veggies flowing out of our ECA kitchen. Your help is greatly appreciated!

Snow Angels

Are you able to lend a helping hand by shovelling sidewalks for neighbours in need during the winter months? If so, we’d love to hear from you! Please email us at [email protected] to join our Snow Angels team.

Ice Rink Team

Thank you for keeping the rink in great shape! Your hard work shovelling, cleaning, and maintaining the ice ensures our community has a fantastic rink to enjoy this winter.

Be Part of Our Volunteer Team

Volunteering is a wonderful way to support our community and make new friends. We offer year-round opportunities through ECA programs and events. Now is the perfect time to get involved! Email us to stay informed about upcoming volunteer opportunities.

Have a wonderful and blessed 2025!

Loving our neighbourhood,

Tina Chen and Jeff Edwards

[email protected]

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