A Message from Your Edgemont Volunteer Coordinators – September

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Hi Edgemont Volunteers,

Here’s the update…

Casino Volunteers

Our upcoming casino fundraising event will be held at Elbow River Casino on October 31 and November 1. This earnings from this event are crucial for supporting ECA facility maintenance and repairs, rink operations, community programming, and special projects. If you’re interested in helping with our biggest community fundraiser, please contact us at [email protected].

Wednesday Breakfast Club

Breakfast Club resumes in September. Our volunteers continue to support children in our neighbourhood every Wednesday morning before they head off to school. If you are interested in helping with distribution or make donations, please contact us!

Summer Lunch Club

Thank you to our volunteers for assisting Lunch Club for children in our neighbourhood throughout July and August!

Good Food Boxes

Distribution and delivery volunteers are essential in keeping fruits and veggies flowing out of our ECA kitchen. Your help is greatly appreciated!

Volunteer Recognition Event

Stay tuned for updates on our 2024 Volunteer Recognition Event, which we plan to host in this month. Check the ECA website and social media for more information.

Be Part of Our Volunteer Team

Volunteering is a great way to support our community and meet new friends! We offer opportunities year-round at ECA programs and events. Email us if you want to be on the volunteer email list.

Loving our neighbourhood,

Tina Chen and Jeff Edwards

[email protected]

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