Edgemont’s ELM Report for June

Edgemont cn

This is the time of year that changes with respect to ELM; projects are happening at a very rapid pace and the reports in the newsletter arrive well after the events have taken place. However, reports are normally posted on the ECA website right away, a good reason to check the website regularly!

In the meantime, the winter displays have been removed and the pots have been filled up, ready for the summer displays. Much to our serious disappointment, many of the reusable ornamental materials (cones, berries, etc.) were stolen from the winter displays. These items are expensive to replace and come out of our ELM budget. If you see anyone taking items from planters or flower beds, please contact us with any details you may have. This includes people taking flowers from the planters in summertime!

Weather permitting, our annuals are scheduled to be planted around the first week of June. Please watch for employees of our new contractor, Foothills Landscaping, trucks, and other vehicles on the roads in Edgemont around that time. Did you know we currently have 191 pots to fill, maintain, and water?

Before we start putting in the annuals, Foothills Landscaping will be assisting ELM with the planting of the perennials that several Edgemont residents have generously offered to donate to our community. The plan is to do this around the middle of May. Please contact ELM at [email protected] if you have any questions about this project or if you wish to donate perennials to the community now or in the future!

Regarding the potential naturalization of the slope near the fire hall, our ELM coordinator has been in contact with the City about this pilot project. We will be meeting onsite with a representative of the City of Calgary in May 2023. Several requirements have to be met before we can potentially start on this naturalization project. This includes obtaining approval from the City to officially convert this area from a “Turf Class Area” to a “Natural Area,” requiring submission of a high-level restoration plan. Putting this restoration proposal together will involve assistance from an organization experienced and qualified in planning and executing this type of work. For the first couple of years following implementation, we would also require monitoring of invasive plants and weeds. Stay tuned for updates on this pilot project!

Pocket gophers continue to enjoy themselves near the disc golf course and the community centre and we have requested assistance from the City to discourage them.

By the time you read this, the City’s green bin compost giveaway may be completed (appointments to pick up this compost are required), however, free mulch is available year-round at the East Calgary Landfill. Appointments are not required to pick up the free mulch; however, you need to bring your own shovel, tarp, and container.

A sure sign that spring has arrived is the arrival of blackbirds calling their mates near the pond in the Edgemont Ravine!

Kathleen Stewart, Rick Wierzbicki, Shari Pitka

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