Edgemont’s ELM Report for May

Edgemont cn

What a beautiful start to the month of April! While we all realize we are getting teased into thinking spring is around the corner, it is nice to see the snow on the roads melt away for now. Time has also come to remove the winter displays from the planters and get them ready for summer! As you know, the decorations are not up for grabs but will be reused next winter! If you would like to give us any feedback regarding the winter displays, please do so while it is fresh in your mind and send your comments to [email protected].

Further to the City’s free compost, remember that you need to book an appointment to get your free compost at either the Spyhill or the Shepard landfill sites. Appointment times will be released in three stages. The first opportunity to book an appointment was on April 9 for compost pick up between April 15 and May 4. More appointments will be released on April 30 for pick up between May 6 and 18, and the last opportunity to book an appointment will be on May 14 for pick up between May 20 and June 1. Please familiarize yourself with all the rules and conditions to get your free compost by checking out https://www.calgary.ca/waste/residential/green-cart-compost-giveaway.html.

We have a little bit more news on the naturalization pilot project. Rather than using the slope near the firehall as our pilot project area, the plan is to restore an area adjacent to the stairs leading to the ECA parking lot from Edgemont Boulevard at the recommendation of the city ecologist. The proposed area is situated at the southeast corner of Edgemont Boulevard and Edgevalley Drive. Using the summer to make the area weed free, the goal is to plant native species in the fall. Specific taller growing shrubs and plants have been selected to increase native plant biodiversity while discouraging pocket gophers from taking up residence by creating more shade using taller varieties. While the city will be providing materials for this project, we will really need some volunteers to help make the targeted area weed free so we can start planting this fall. In addition, the cooperation of all residents staying out of the restoration area and by respecting fencing that will be put in place to protect this area will be highly appreciated. Your cooperation in making this a success is critically important! Can you volunteer some time for this pilot project? Please contact our ELM coordinator!

Lastly, we would like to repeat our message that Shari Pitka, our ELM coordinator will be happy to arrange for curbside pickup of any perennials that you would like to donate to the community. Please let us know if you are planning to donate plants this year by contacting us via email at [email protected].

If you have any concerns or questions regarding ELM, please contact us using the above email address and we will be very happy to respond to your concerns.

Kathleen Stewart, Rick Wierzbicki, Shari Pitka

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