Edgemont’s February President’s Message


Maybe it shouldn’t be the banner headline, but this edition is the first where there is a new U.S. President. Twitter is no longer a valid news source and thousands of comedians are clamouring to find any new source of material!

In other news, the morning perambulations of a Groundhog on February second may tell us about the possible extent of this Winter. Originally a German concept, where the predictive mammal was a badger, or ‘dachs’ (The root word in dachshund – the tunnel hunter dogs – who knew?), the story says if Mr. GH sees his shadow due to a bright day – there are six more weeks of Winter. Let’s hope he is inattentive!

An event for which you can actually prepare, and for those of us with spouses and significant others, there is still time to shop in honour of Saint Valentine’s Day on the 14th. Immediately after – the next day in fact – is Family Day! Of course, as so often in life, these events are often related!

Well, regardless of whether our groundhogs are myopic or not, there is still a period of time in which Winter will forcefully demand our attention. The denial of Winter has unfortunate psychological implications, so we must all come to grips. As a case in point, the Edgemont Facebook pages have some pictures of residents enjoying several hills worth of tobogganing, as well as gliding on the skating rinks. The rinks are still being tended to by Rick Wierzbicki and crew. The volunteers who create these opportunities for residents to enjoy are gratified by the amount of use these facilities receive. As ever, there is the COVID side of these activities! Please remember that any ECA spaces and facilities are still subject to rigid restrictions due to the Pandemic. Your Community Association has posted the provincial rules, yet the ECA cannot, of course, be responsible for any resident breaching these requirements. Most likely, at this writing, the Province has maintained the ban on hockey and other contact sports. Specific rink population restrictions are 30 on the larger sheet and 20 on the smaller with a 2-meter distance requirement. In addition to the COVID-19 rules, there are the usual bylaws still in effect. The ECA had to ask for support from Police and Bylaw Officers to address the consumption of alcohol at the rinks. While the situation was limited, it is still important to realize that everyone needs to comply with long standing rules and laws, as well as the recent pandemic restrictions. Breaching the rules could force the ECA to restrict the use of any of the facilities, or even resort to closures.

Another Winter outlet, our magnificent pathway system in Edgemont, sure has seen an uptick in use, as many residents strive to break free from ‘Cabin Fever’. For the first time I can remember, dog walkers are the minority! Calgary City’s excellent initiative to clear the major paths of snow, and to clear them at definite physical distancing widths, has been greatly appreciated by many residents. The damage wrought by the plows, if any, has been minimal, and the beneficial effect has been immeasurable.

Writing this article several weeks in advance means it is difficult to speak to situations happening during the first week of February. We may be paying the piper for our very mild December and January, while COVID-19 rules, though possibly amended, almost certainly are still stringent as you read. On top of the ease of transmission of the virus, the confinement dictated by Winter weather also contributes to transmission. With any luck at all, there are large swatches of our population receiving vaccinations, and we may even be seeing effects on re-transmission rates, but now is the most crucial time to maintain vigilance, keep physically distant, wear a mask, and wash/sterilize often.

Please pay attention to the Edgemont Community Association website to keep up to date on any timely initiatives. Apologies, in advance, for your experience on that site! ECA is rapidly developing a new and more user-friendly interface, but we are not there yet. Call the Edgemont Community Association and take out a membership in the ECA. Your fees will help the ECA carry on the work that needs to be done and you will be able to vote at the Annual General Meeting that will be coming in Spring. In all likelihood, this AGM will be an online meeting. Your Board of Directors will be diligent in ensuring as much participation as possible by the ECA membership.

It sure has been a topsy-turvey few years! When you hear a news story about the police breaking up a gathering where Marijuana is being consumed, it is amusing to consider that it is the “gathering” that is against the law and not the pot smoking!