Edgemont’s President’s Message for August

Edgemont cn

There have been shenanigans afoot in Edgemont over the summer, and not the good kind. You may have noticed graffiti around the subdivision and any of the tagging that appears on our property has been immediately removed. If you see any remaining, it is likely on City property, so please call 311. The community can thank Rick Wierzbicki for the cleanup efforts! There have been folks up at the community centre who think it’s “fun” to light fires and do damage to the roof. We’re in ongoing conversation with the school and the police about the problem. The ECC building and the activities that go on there are a great asset to our residents and I can’t imagine the effect that a substantial fire would have. Although we have surveillance at the facility, it’s hard to watch it 24/7, so we must rely on our community to keep a keen eye on the surroundings. If you see an act in progress, call 911.

I am disappointed to report that the blues concert we had tentatively scheduled for August has been cancelled. The Greg Gunn Band who has played at our last three events was unavailable and we were unable to secure an alternate. We trust that we can make arrangements for summer 2024.

If you look at our board page, you will notice that there have been a few changes since the AGM. The reality is that board work isn’t for everyone, and people’s priorities change with time. Nevertheless, the ECA is in good hands. Thank you to those who unselfishly gave of their time. The board will undertake its annual strategic planning session in September and will also be doing a review of our budget. It would be premature to report that budgetary revisions will be made. However, we will have the benefit of six months of actual figures and a good handle on the last six months’ projections. We should know our revenue figure from hosting a casino fundraiser and we may know more about the renovations to the building and the likely timeline for those tasks.

We have a different organizational makeup than we had when we set our 2023 budget. Fortunately, we have a good staff complement and have invested money in training. Some of what was needed wasn’t foreseen at the time that the current budget was developed. I want to thank Heather (our manager), Rachel, Ester, MacKenna, Iryna, Brenda, Rob, Eva, Chloe, and James who support the board and the programming. In addition, I would like to thank Jiayi who has been away from the office since April pursuing an opportunity that was related to her university studies; you may see her from time to time come fall. Barb Meehan has also rolled up her sleeves to help with various tasks and she deserves our thanks. I would be remiss if I didn’t mention Shari in my thanks. Shari has been a tremendous help with the ELM program. All have had an important part to play.

Finally, I would like to thank our long-term renters. Your business is very important to ECA. We hope that our facility continues to serve your needs. Should you have any concerns, let the office know. Heather and her team are very responsive.

Enjoy the rest of the summer and let me know if you have any ideas for the board’s consideration.

Pamela Wilson


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